So grateful today to be sitting safely in my house, while the wind snaps branches and pushes the rain clouds out of the area . . . Researching candidates for a meaningful vote this election . . . Pondering forgiveness . . . Hoping the Lord hears my prayers . . . Wondering how long a body can last in crisis mode, and how to break out of it . . . Searching for the right words to communicate to Dave that this is the end, that I can't enable him any more . . . Feeling frustrated that I can't lift the "depression couch" by myself to rid our lives of it . . . Balancing everyone else's needs against my own . . . Wishing my neck didn't hurt so much . . . Missing Concordia . . . Needing a haircut . . . Wanting to help those who are aching, lonely, overwhelmed, separated from God . . . Hating when good people make bad choices, and keep making them . . . Loving my mommy . . . Considering the lilies . . . Believing it's too bad that Halloween falls on a Sunday this year . . . Rescheduling more doctor's appointments and tests . . .
And that's all I have to say about that.
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
Thursday, October 14, 2010
Received Summons . . .
for the foreclosure on the BIL's house 10/11; I guess I always thought "getting served" would include an envelope - nothing so formal. I signed as my husband's POA, but it was weird to see my name included as a defendant (spouse is usually notified, apparently, even when I'm not on the mortgage). There were 8 showings at that house, and no offers, so we dropped the price. I called Citi Preservation to request mowing the lawn & confirm the property has been winterized.
Getting Raj back on meds is taking time; He says he's adding a few doses here and there, but at least I've spoken with the nurse so there is more monitoring. The consequence, not picking him up for weekly church and Bible Study, will stay in place until he stablizes more. In other news, the minivan door won't open, still can't find a hubcab to replace the one that's missing, and the Camry had a nail in a tire.
Getting Raj back on meds is taking time; He says he's adding a few doses here and there, but at least I've spoken with the nurse so there is more monitoring. The consequence, not picking him up for weekly church and Bible Study, will stay in place until he stablizes more. In other news, the minivan door won't open, still can't find a hubcab to replace the one that's missing, and the Camry had a nail in a tire.
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
Listings on properties
Both the BIL's house and the land are now listed for sale; Praying this stuff moves forward.
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