Friday, June 22, 2012

Shoulder & Land

Finally got to the doctor today and had him take a look at my shoulder.  It's tendonitis in the bicep, so now I've got a plan to address the pain and get my range-of-motion back!

I also received a check in the mail for the sale of the land.  It took 5 years to sell, plus the buyers dragged the deal out for another 5 months.  When it gets closer to tax time, I'll take a look at what it was valued at when the estate was settled in 2004.  With the taxes, insurance and maintenance we had to pay over the years, it will approximately reimburse the expenses we paid/borrowed.  It will be nice to be done with the loans, expenses, responsibility, hard work and bad feelings that those parcels represent.

Wednesday, June 13, 2012


Mom wanted to attend the Iowa family reunion last weekend, so I asked that she go over her route with me (arranged to borrow a GPS if she wanted to try it), call before/after travel so I knew she was safe, etc.  She didn't remember any of these things, but did leave her hotel information, so I tried to confirm her safety that way.  The hotel was oversold, and had no record of her, and she never said anything about which other relatives might be attending, so I just kept calling her cell phone.  Eventually, she went to call her cousin Elizabeth and accidentally dialed me.  Once I knew she'd gotten to Iowa safely, though she said she did get lost on the way there, she slid on a gravel road and put her car into a ditch.  It's totalled, so I'm driving there today to bring her home.  It's hard to even recognize her any more, since so much has changed so quickly.