Tuesday, May 3, 2011

The good, the bad, and the ugly

Good: Short sale on BIL's house closed 4/21; Estate sale company sold several items on consignment & sent a check; We're looking at other possibilities for Raj's assisted living;

Bad: Raj's termination from Allstate was processed incorrectly, and needs to be fixed before we can enroll in COBRA, so we're "on hold" for all medications/appointments; During Raj's stay at Rush, various out-of-network doctors decided to bestow him with visits & tests (separate from the pre-approved stuff he was there for), and now we're receiving HUGE bills; Sunrise increased their price for Raj staying there TWICE so far in 2011; Still have a bunch of stuff to sort/store/throw from the house clean-out;

Ugly: Sorting through and cleaning the BIL's house was truly awful, especially on short notice - the smells, life forms, lack of help/money, uncovering the years of deception and what we were really paying for . . . it makes me sick.

1 comment:

  1. At least we got it done! I feel like that is a monkey off your back.:-)
