Tuesday, December 28, 2010

That's one way of taking the tree down . . .

Raj said he fell into the Christmas tree in Sunrise's entryway yesterday during a syncopal episode, but only hurt his finger. I didn't ask about the tree.

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Raj vs Reality

When you ask Raj how he's doing, he will always say he's fine. When he fell and broke his nose in July 2009, he told the EMTs they didn't need to treat him . . . he simply wanted a white plate to bleed on. Part of it is his mental perception - he doesn't notice anything wrong, so he assumes the status quo - and the the other part is the progression of Mild Cognitive Impairment - diminished ability to feel/recognize pain.

Similarly, when you ask whether he's taking his meds, he will always confirm that he is, since he sees no difference between taking a pill once/month vs once/day; If he remembers EVER taking a dose, he's "compliant" in his estimation; So, when the doctors in his Sleep Consult asked whether Raj was using his C-PAP at night to treat his sleep apnea, he answered in the affirmative. He just chuckled when they downloaded the activity from the card in the machine to reveal using it 4 nights out of the last 180. So now we need to get him using the C-PAP again before they can explore narcolepsy, because poor sleep at night (averages 60 events of losing consciousness per hour) means nodding off during the day.

Tuesday, December 14, 2010


So I kind of forgot to appear in court for Raj's foreclosure on Dave's house on 12/8, but nobody has hauled either of us off to jail . . . In the meantime, CitiMortgage made us accept the short sale offer, so they'll appraise it again and respond. I stopped by last week, and didn't see either of the ramps, so I guess whatever is left in the house is necessary to clear out.

I'm also waiting to hear back from Rush about a hospital stay for 2 tests needed on Raj. Hope to get this done by year-end, since it should max out our out-of-pocket medical expenses & get covered after that by insurance.

In other news, I'm softening on the idea of a dog for Ruth. Julie gets so much comfort from her pet, and Ruth could probably really benefit from the responsibility and companionship. I just have so many 2-legged creatures to care for, that I cringe at the thought of adding a 4-legged creature onto the pile.