Thursday, August 2, 2012


Most days, I win; Every once in a while, the depression wins.  Man, it's been hard recently.  Things that don't usually get me down have been hard to get through.  I know this will pass, but for the time being, I'm prone to irritation and impatience.  I just want to curl up and disappear.

1 comment:

  1. "This too shall pass"--it is part of the changes you are going through. Today was a great example of what an amazing person you are--knowledgeable, good problem solving, humorous, patient, etc. and I felt so secure in your company as we waded through the day:-) Sometimes it is OK, tho, to crawl in your mental cave and vegetate for awhile and refuel!
    I am just so proud of you and how you have handled a lot of tough situations. I can see God working in your life..
